TABBIES - tradução para árabe
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TABBIES - tradução para árabe

Golden Tabbies; Golden tabbies; Golden Tabby; Golden tabby tiger; Golden tabby tigers; Golden Tabby tigers; Golden Tabby tiger; Golden tabby
  • The golden tiger's coat is lighter than that of a normal tiger



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·pl of Tabby.


Golden tiger

A golden tiger, sometimes called a golden tabby tiger, is a tiger with a colour variation caused by a recessive gene. Like white tigers and black tigers, it is a colour form and not a separate subspecies. Known for its blonde or pale-golden color and red-brown (not black) stripes, the golden tiger colouring comes from a recessive trait referred to as "wideband" which affects the production of black during the hair growth cycle. Tiger colorations that vary from the typical orange-with-black-stripe do occur in nature, but in a very small percentage.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para TABBIES
1. There are fewer than seventy tabbies still living in the world, with all having been bred in captivity.
2. The last known tabbies living in the wild were reportedly killed in India during the 1'30‘s.
3. Porgy, a tortoiseshell and at 17 the oldest, sleeps in Harding‘s bedroom; then come Pride and Joy (both tabbies) and Ronnie, the youngest.
4. Video: Real player version The rare bengal tiger cub Traditional Bengal tigers have black stripes, but tabbies are born with white and gold patches of fur.
5. But both got it horribly wrong...the cat was Mork, one of two tabbies loved and cared for by Katherine and husband Paul for 1' years.